Saturday, January 21, 2006

Final Valentine's Fabric

This is the final stash I'm going to use for my Valentine's Quilt. My brother thought this was my whole stash, but this is just a selection of my pink fabrics. I really do like the stain glass roses and I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy more. Oh well.

Fabric Stash for Valentine's Quilt Posted by Picasa

Now I'm on to cutting and piecing a sample block from each fabric, because I'm not sure how some fabrics will hold up in the pattern.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Valentine's Quilt Block

This is the Heart Block I'm going to use for the Valentine's Quilt. I love it because it's all straight lines! (I'm not really ready to use curves yet).

Heart Block Posted by Picasa

My Australian Patchwork & Quilting Magazine arrived today (lately I've been bidding like mad on eBay, and I have compulsive problems with collecting things- I've restricted myself to only Volumes 10- recent) and I found a similar quilt using this block. It's from the 2003 Annual. I'm going to switch out fabrics to make it look 'scrappy' using the fabrics I've already bought, and soon I'm going to a few close quilt shops with mum tomorrow to look for more matching fabrics to have a bigger variety. I'm yet to decide on the size of the blocks, but I'm going to try and make it a bed-sized quilt. I'm not sure yet. The best thing about this is that it's never certain. I hope it turns out perfectly!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

My Valentine's Day Fabric

I had a lot of fun picking this fabric out because I was with my friends Kate and Ben. I'm not sure, but I don't think this is a big enough mix of fabric to produce an intruiging quilt. I'm a fan of scrappy quilts and I love patterned fabric. I'm thinking of making several hearts on a background or squares to make up the overall shape of a heart. Hopefully I can pull off a relatively good-looking quilt with this fabric and still end up with some cute pink scraps for my collection.

Fabric for Valentine's Quilt Posted by Picasa

I'm aware that I have white in the mix, but I don't think it will look that out-of-place. I was looking for a nice yellow-cream to off-set the pinks, and I'm still looking out for that, I might even add a tone-on-tone pale pink in there. I'm still looking for pink or cream patterned fabrics for this quilt, and I doubt this will be the final colour palette.

My Sewing Machine

This is what my parents bought me for Christmas. A Janome 525s for $300AU. It's a very good machine for a beginner and the main quilting feet can be bought as they're needed. I've already bought an even feed foot, a darning foot and a 1/4" foot with a fabric guide.

My Sewing Machine Posted by Picasa

This photo was taken after I'd finished my pillow case, so as you can see the thread is nearly gone. This is my pride and joy, and a place where boredom doesn't exist. Hopefully it should be with me for many years to come!

The Advent Calendar

The fabric for this was bought from a store as a kit so it was incredibly easy to complete. It's a bit wonky because it's a wall-hanging and I haven't put a rod through it yet, but it only took a few hours all up to complete (cutting, pinning, sewing, quilting).

My Christmas Advent Calendar Posted by Picasa

The pockets were satin stitched down in place. Mum and I were going to embellish it with random beads and things but we can't be bothered. I know what my little cousins are getting next year for X-mas.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

First Quilted Pillow Case

I've learnt how to post pictures into my blog! Anyway, this is my very first quilted pillow case. Mum helped me finish it off but I did most of the piecing and sewing by myself.

My First Quilted Pillow Case! Posted by Picasa

For working with triangles there could have been much more puckering but it actually turned out well and I'm quite proud. Hopefully there'll be better projects in the near future!

Welcome to my blog!

Hello All! Welcome to my magical journey into the world of quilting!

This newborn passion has been born out of the support my boyfriend gives me. I'm not what you'd call a 'modern' teenager. I stay home a lot, I'm as obsessed with crafts as an old lady and I have traditional, non-feminist views of how women should be. Did you know that most of my friends don't know how to sew? Some don't even know how to knit (though that has experienced a come back). And a few have never even heard of crochet. (Those who did said "Oh, like doilies? Don't only grandmothers make those?") I get weird looks at the craft and quilting stores I frequent and usually it's assumed that I've been sent on a collecting trip for supplies by my grandmother or mum. Can't they get it through their head that younger people do crafts too? I'm nearly 20 though so I'm not that young.

I've been taught absolutely everything by my mum. If I hear about some form of craft that I want to dabble in, chances are she's already done it and helps me out. These phases rarely last though. I'm still in the knitting, cross stitch and quilting phase. I like time consuming crafts. And quilting's practical and modern.

I'm still figuring out 'Blogger'. I'm sure I'll get it eventually, I am doing a computer degree at university!

Until then, bear with me and I hope you come back and visit often!