Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Unfinished Frog

The Stained Glass Frog
This was started a long time ago and has been put on hold. In fact, I'm not even sure if this ever will be finished. It's not that I don't like the frog anymore, I still love it, but it's just too much work. I can't be bothered with it and my interest has moved on. I think I'll just stick to 'quilts' and not specialise in anything else until I master the basics. I'm surprised the frog actually got so far. I think it's just too advanced for me and I got bored with the challenge. One day, he might get finished. One day, maybe.

Cheetah Quilt

The Cheetah Fabric
Wow, I nearly haven't posted at all this month. I've been very slack. But I've still been busy quilting! I started a new mystery quilt out of Australian Patchwork & Quilting, and it uses the cheetah print above as it's feature fabric. As soon as I get the first few blocks done (I've only just cut it out) I'm going to post more pictures. I'm 30cms (1 foot) short of the feature fabric, so I've been needing to go back to the fabric store to buy more, as well as background fabric. I'd hate to run out. It's the stupid silly season though, where things are a bit messed up until after New Year's. Seeing as it's so close to Christmas, I'm going to have to put off my next quilt shopping trip. =/