Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Machine Quilting Class

I haven't posted in a while because I've been lazy with my camera. I've also been lazy with my Valentine's Quilt.

Machine Quilting Class Posted by Picasa

This piece of blue fabric was what I made in my first machine quilting class. We learned how to clean our machines, which feet to use on which technique, and how to do a horizontal and vertical stitch with a darning foot. We also wrote out our names, and stippled/meandered. My teacher said I was very good for a beginner! All the other students were impressed by my practice piece. Mum's was the funniest response: "Did you pin that yourself?" LOL! Because I always make excuses that I can't pin my own work so I get mum to do it for me. She was impressed with my stitching too. Sorry about the poor quality photo, it really does look better in real life!

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