The Retro Needle Companion

Yesterday was my birthday and I spent the day doing what I love most- quilt supplies shopping. This is only one of the many things that mum and I bought- I bought a retro one to match my retro bag I'm going to make 'any day now' and mum bought a cute 'Quilting Bee' one. It has little bumble bees on it and honeycombs. We're going to make them together. At the moment mum's using an ice cream container to hold her hand quilting stuff and she keeps dropping it on the floor due to the quilt knocking it off the armrest. So we figured that this will help her, and it's something we can do together. We bought it from a store called 'Blue Willow Cottage' and I've mentioned them before because that's where I got my matching retro (in purples and greens) bag. Looks like a cute little project and kit though. Should be fun.
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