Hello All! Welcome to my magical journey into the world of quilting!
This newborn passion has been born out of the support my boyfriend gives me. I'm not what you'd call a 'modern' teenager. I stay home a lot, I'm as obsessed with crafts as an old lady and I have traditional, non-feminist views of how women should be. Did you know that most of my friends don't know how to sew? Some don't even know how to knit (though that has experienced a come back). And a few have never even heard of crochet. (Those who did said "Oh, like doilies? Don't only grandmothers make those?") I get weird looks at the craft and quilting stores I frequent and usually it's assumed that I've been sent on a collecting trip for supplies by my grandmother or mum. Can't they get it through their head that younger people do crafts too? I'm nearly 20 though so I'm not that young.
I've been taught absolutely everything by my mum. If I hear about some form of craft that I want to dabble in, chances are she's already done it and helps me out. These phases rarely last though. I'm still in the knitting, cross stitch and quilting phase. I like time consuming crafts. And quilting's practical and modern.
I'm still figuring out 'Blogger'. I'm sure I'll get it eventually, I am doing a computer degree at university!
Until then, bear with me and I hope you come back and visit often!